

Crypto trading can be described as the act of exchanging crypto currencies for one another on an exchange platform e.g. exchanging Bitcoin for Ethereum or between other tokens. A crypto wallet is wallet for crypto currencies. OVERVIEW Blockchain technology which led to the creation of crypto currencies provided a more transparent and independent system of executing financial transactions as opposed to the traditional financial institutions which were mostly centralized and open to fraudulent activities. The crypto market over the years has experienced an exponential growth, with a market cap of about $400 billion as at January 2018. The market contains thousands of currencies with an exchange turnover of more than $14 billion on a daily basis which is expected to increase in coming years. Taking a look at the crypto market one can see potential of blockchain technology as a powerful and advanced technology of the future. Despite the potentials contained in the crypto market it i


Crypto currencies are digital assets which are accepted as a means of exchange and execution of transactions. They are alternatives to Fiat money. Mobile marketplace can be described as the process of exchange of goods and services using a mobile device i.e. it involves the purchase of products by consumers using their smartphone devices. OVERVIEW The crypto market has been growing at a very fast rate over the years since the introduction of crypto currencies which are traded in the crypto market. This has led to an increasing adoption of these currencies by individuals and businesses who see it either as a means of getting quick wealth or as a reliable tool for investment because of its promising potentials. According to reports, the number of persons holding crypto currencies is estimated to increase nearly 10- fold of its current number of 22 million to 200 million globally by 2020. The simplest way to acquire this currency is buying exchanging goods for crypto. The current


The effect of global warming cannot be overstated. Today what has been the commonly used method of generating power have been unrenewable energy which includes gas, coal, petroleum and many other sources. Looking at what scientist have warned concerning this method of generating power, I did say its hard time we start looking at an alternative. AN OVERVIEW Clean/Renewable energy simply talks about green energy, energy gotten from natural sources such as sun, wind, waves and water amongst others. and its high time we start exploring ways to harness this source of power, although some countries like china, Germany and Scotland and a few others have already started shifting to renewable energies. Clean energy will go a long way in helping humanity and saving individuals as well. You may ask how but today companies and individuals spend a lot of money on power generation, buying fuels, diesels and other forms of crude and even paying for their electricity bills, when in reality if


Entertainment involves any activity that provides amusement or pleasure to individuals, it is a fun activity in which people engage in their leisure time to ease tension of stress.There are many forms of entertainment which include sports, games, watching movies and so on. Specifically, let us take a look at watching movies as a form of entertainment. The entertainment industry is concerned with creation and provision of entertainment activities to users. Content creators, producers, streaming platforms and so many more are responsible for providing entertainment in the form of movies to viewers. OVERVIEW The entertainment industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world from sports, music, movies and so many more. Virtually every pleasure or amusement activity hinges on the entertainment industry, turning on your TV set everything you see is one form of entertainment or the other to the extent that the internet now has many forms of entertainment, According to Pr


Hey guys, I am very excited to bring you this, after going through the projects whitepaper and making my research, I was left in awe at the concept of this project. This could stand to be the best project I have come across this year. AN OVERVIEW Crypto exchange is a platform by which traders are provided with the opportunity to trade or exchange their coin with other forms of digital currency or convert their cryptocurrencies to fiat. The blockchain industry has risen exponentially since its inception, and continues to grow at an alarming pace, in May 2017 the cryptocurrency market cap was estimated to be around 50 million and in January this year that number has risen to an estimated 450 million, with a market value of over $800 billion, this shows growth, right? but this is nothing compared to the growth the industry we will be seeing in the coming future. Crypto exchanges have been the market place of all cryptocurrency activities, but with the overwhelming level of growth,


Data which can also mean information can be seen as details concerning certain events as how it relates to the growth and development of the society.  Data can take the form of reports, certificates, publications and so on in which persons can look up to help solve a particular issue or develop on a particular idea. It is very important for data uploaded by persons on any platform to have a means by which they can be verified so as to boost the seeker’s confidence in it. OVERVIEW The use of data by individuals have a long history, great inventions and innovations have been made possible as a result of the information available pertaining the creation of these inventions. Many forms of documenting data have existed overtime, from the primitive era were writings were carved on walls, written in parchments and the rest of them. Civilization we now experience was premised on the information that was available to humans from times past. Ever growing technology also premised on dat


E-commerce is the exchange of goods and services online, it provides a platform where shopping for products is done online. E-commerce merchants are online retailers or wholesalers that provide products for sale to online shoppers. They are traders of a particular or various products who use the online platform to sell their merchandise. OVERVIEW E -commerce has been a rising trend in the exchange of goods and services, people now prefer shopping online than going distances to purchase commodities because it saves time and have proved to be very effective as well. The advent of e-commerce has also led to rise of e-commerce merchants who are either retailers or wholesalers that offer a wide range of commodities for online shoppers to choose from. To be able to sell their products, these e-commerce merchant need a marketing tool that can connect online shoppers to purchase their products and also reward them, as a result various e-commerce merchants now use cash back networks as